Play and Human Development : Perspectives and Practices
Headstreams, one of our partners, creates safe play spaces within low-income communities with the participation of trained youth volunteers. Using principles of play, the youth are trained to be co-creators and facilitators in a play environment. Through this engagement where we bring in our expertise of working with multi Arts , together, we are looking at learning systems, methodologies, and existing systems to re-imagine learning facilitation. By its very nature, the play approach is learner-led. The use of various forms and techniques of art – visual, theatre, sound, movement and craft – as media of play enriches a playspace and allows deepening of expression, compassion, empathy, reflection, joy and meaning in the course of learning and healing. Change emerges from such creative playspaces and may give rise to change-makers or play-facilitators who take this forward to the world, with the freedom, skills, discipline and accountability that it entails.
Christ University, a premier educational institution, is an academic fraternity of individuals dedicated to the motto of excellence and service. It strives to reach out to the star of perfection through an earnest academic pursuit for excellence and the efforts blossom into ‘service” through creative and empathetic involvement in the society to transform it.
We flagged off our first session of the P.G. Diploma in PLAY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICES (Formerly Psycho-Social Well-Being Using Multi-Arts And Play in association with Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bengaluru. The 120 hours PG course includes theory, workshops, assignments, field practice and report, and a research paper.
The group was introduced to the basics of Drama, Theatre Games and the basic of visual aesthetics. Through creative exercises the group worked on observation and perception.
St. Joseph’s, a premier educational institution at Bangalore, strives to prepare men and women for the service of the country. The College provides students with plentiful opportunities to critically understand society and its structures so that education becomes a tool to work for a humane and just society. Stress is laid on academic excellence, character formation, social concern and human development.
We flagged off our sessions with the second year Psychology students at St.Josephs’s as a part of 12 week certificate course, PLAY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICES in association with Department of Psychology, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru.
Artistic tools such as Theatre and Drama, Stories-sharing and creating, Puppetry and role-plays, Directive and Non Directive Play, Voice and Rhythm, Dance and Movement and games helped enrich the play space and enabled the process of learning. Through the course, the students were taken through the practice of various creative techniques of play and how play can be facilitated using these. During one session a demonstrative space focussing on the key concept of interdependence and interconnectedness with the goal of mindfulness was created with the group of students. In another session the students were exposed to alphabet sign language to experience verbal and non verbal communication.
Mount Carmel, a premier educational institution in Bangalore, aims to empower students through value based, quality and integral education; to empower others especially the socially and economically marginalized and create a ‘Civilization of Love’.
We commenced our first session of the P.G. Diploma in PLAY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICES (Formerly Psycho-Social Well-Being Using Multi-Arts And Play in association with Department of Psychology, Mount Carmel College (Autonomous), Bengaluru.
During the sessions the students have employed art media and alphabet sign language to experience verbal and non verbal communication, through theatre games and creative movement they were able to explore play in varied forms.
Smt.VHD Central Institute of Home Science, Bangalore is one of the premier women’s Colleges in Karnataka, affiliated to Bangalore University and is a Government College. The Home Science Department was founded in 1951 and in 1961 Smt VHD Central Institute of Home Science came into existence, as an answer to the increasing demands for higher education among young women.
P.G. Diploma in PLAY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICES facilitated by us in association with Headstreams is spread across one entire semester and involves theory and practical sessions. Along with this, the students would also get an exposure to the field through workshops and field-level programs of Headstreams.
Artistic tools such as Theatre and Drama, Stories-sharing and creating, Puppetry and role-plays, Directive and Non Directive Play, Voice and Rhythm, Dance and Movement and Games help enrich the playspace and enable the process of learning. Through the course, the students will comprehend the practice of various creative techniques of play and how play can be facilitated using these.