Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

SF’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has garnered recognition through collaborative efforts with corporates and institutions. Through the Creative Connections program, partnerships have been established with influential entities aiming to foster sensitivity towards individuals with diverse needs and promote an inclusive culture. This details the offerings under the Creative Connections program by Snehadhara Foundation. Our sessions are meticulously crafted to address the dynamic needs of the corporate landscape. SF is poised to be a transformative partner for corporations seeking to enhance their organizational culture and social impact.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion form a central part of our offerings under Creative Connections. The workshops are designed to address various aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion within a corporate context, fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and equal opportunity in the following areas: 

NeurodiversityThese workshops provides a deep dive into neurodiversity, exploring different neurodivergent conditions, fostering awareness, and offering various perspectives to create a more inclusive environment.

Gender Sensitivity- These workshops focuses on developing a nuanced understanding of gender-related issues, providing tools for creating a workplace that respects and supports diverse gender identities.

Cultural Competency & Inclusive Communication- These workshops delves into cultural diversity within the workplace, offering practical communication strategies to bridge cultural gaps and create an inclusive organizational culture.

Unconscious Biases- Unpacking the concept of unconscious biases, these workshops aims to help participants recognize and mitigate biases in their decision-making processes and interactions.

How we do it

Our workshops are offered as online or offline trainings. Workshops can be opted as one-time workshops or a series of trainings spread across the year for long-term impact. The workshops can be conducted onsite or offsite.

Snehadhara Foundation has signed up with CDRI and Miyamoto International to create a integrate GEDSI into CDRI initiatives through workshops, trainings and creating a shared framework. 

We aim to take a holistic approach to Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (DRI), placing Gender Equality, Disability and  Social Inclusion (GEDSI) at its core. Unlike conventional infrastructure projects, our strategy recognizes that resilience goes beyond technical solutions—it requires a shift in mindset, attitudes, and behaviours. By centering GEDSI considerations in all aspects of our initiatives, we not only enhance  infrastructure resilience but also promote equity, dignity, and empowerment for all members of society. Through stakeholder engagement, gender-responsive planning, and robust monitoring and  evaluation, we pave the way towards a future where infrastructure catalyzes social  cohesion, economic empowerment, and sustainable development. 

Dr Gitanjali G Govindrajan, Founder and Executive Director of Snehadhara Foundation was at the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI), as part of our Creative Connections programme, for a training on ‘Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace’. CDRI is a multi-stakeholder global partnership and its total membership count stands at 39 national governments and 7 organizations. The training was organised by Miyamoto International with CDRI. Today, 60 persons from the CDRI staff, USAID, and Miyamoto Project staff were present for this discussion and training. The essence of the training focused on much needed Diversity, Inclusion and Equity.

Snehadhara Foundation has been invited to USAID at the US Embassy to conduct workshops and trainings on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, with a focus on workplace cultural sensitivity. 

The session modules have a focus on Combatting Insensitivity and Discrimination, and work towards reducing microaggresions in the workplace. 

Our Founder and Executive Director, Dr Gitanjali G Govindrajan was invited to the EquitABLE Symposium panel with BOSCH as part of Bosch’s Diversity and Disability Week to discuss the topics related to inclusive PwD workforce.

The panel sought to understand what does Diversity and Equity entail and understand the challenges that people face with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities at the Education and Skilling end. 

Our Executive Director and Founder, Gitanjali Sarangan was at the Diversity and Inclusion panel at Instahiring, 2020 which was this year’s grandest TA tech event.

In her classic style they got them to dance saying.. “We need to practice inclusion each day by stepping out of our comfort zones”.

Practicing Inclusion and Diversity in daily life

The genesis of all diversity training is the need to establish the difference between culture and compliance. It is important to establish a baseline understanding and agreement of the fundamental concepts.Using engaging stories and interactive exercises, employees explore the importance of diversity and inclusion and how to support the organization’s diversity efforts.

Inclusion begins with I: Arts for Wellbeing

Our trained and experienced practitioners facilitate sessions with a special focus on emotional intelligence for leadership, employee wellbeing and resilience, conflict management, creativity and innovative thinking, diversity and inclusion using a proprietary methodology called Arts Based Training (ABT) for psycho-social well being. These customised sessions locate itself with Human Resource/Learning and Development (HR/L&D) programs.